Reflection - 10 questions to set you up for success in 2022

“We do not learn from experience….we learn from reflecting on experience” John Dewey

Now is a great time to reflect, refine and reset for 2022.

Whether it is refining down what you want your career to look like next year, or you are wanting to “find your fit” at work in terms of where you can make the biggest impact - reflection is one of the most powerful tools you can use.

Like mining for gold, setting aside some time over the next few weeks or over the Christmas break to look at how the year has gone for you is one of the most powerful things you can do to set up 2022.

Here are 10 questions to give you some structure to the process.
1/ Who did you enjoy working with the most over 2021?
2/ What do you feel the most proud of achieving?
3/ Where did you feel the most energy?
4/ What did you feel may have been missing?
5/ What did you find the most challenging?
6/ What would you like to do more of next year?
7/ What would you like to do less of?
8/ What are the types of people you would like to spend more time with?
9/ What would you like to learn more of in 2022?
10/ What is one thing you can do to move forward and take the next step from these reflections?

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